Drug Information

Amitriptyline tablet 10 mg GPO   Click to listen highlighted text! Amitriptyline tablet 10 mg GPO


Treatment of depression.

Treatment of insomnia.

Physicians may use this medication for other indications not described above. If you have any inquiries please ask your physicians or pharmacists.   Click to listen highlighted text! Indications Treatment of depression. Treatment of insomnia. Physicians may use this medication for other indications not described above. If you have any inquiries please ask your physicians or pharmacists.

Contraindications and precautions

1.Do not use if you had an allergic reaction to this medication or its components.

2.Use this medication cautiously in patients with coronary artery disease.

3.Use this medication cautiously in pregnant women and lactating women as safety data are not established.

4.Use this medication cautiously in patients with epilepsy.

A dose adjustment may be necessary in patients with hepatic impairment or renal impairment or taking certain medications.

If you have any of these conditions, you should inform your physicians.

5.Avoid or abstain from alcohol consumption during treatment.

6.You need to be careful if you drive or operate machinery or work at height.   Click to listen highlighted text! Contraindications and precautions 1.Do not use if you had an allergic reaction to this medication or its components. 2.Use this medication cautiously in patients with coronary artery disease. 3.Use this medication cautiously in pregnant women and lactating women as safety data are not established. 4.Use this medication cautiously in patients with epilepsy. A dose adjustment may be necessary in patients with hepatic impairment or renal impairment or taking certain medications. If you have any of these conditions, you should inform your physicians. 5.Avoid or abstain from alcohol consumption during treatment. 6.You need to be careful if you drive or operate machinery or work at height.

Recommendation of drug use 

This medication must be taken continuously for at least 2 weeks so the medication starts effects,

and it may take longer to see full results.

Take the dosage as directed by your physician. Do not increase the dosage or stop taking the medication on your own.

The effects during initial treatment are often side effects of the medication. 

Side effects such as drowsiness, fatigue, increased appetite, or loss of appetite are common. They're usually mild and gradually go away.

This medication should be used according to medical advice of physician or pharmacist strictly because the dosage and duration of treatment depend on the type and severity of disease.

If you miss the dose, take the dose as soon as possible after realizing you missed it. If you're getting close to the next dose, skip the dose and take the next dose at its regular time. Don't double the dose.   Click to listen highlighted text! Recommendation of drug use  This medication must be taken continuously for at least 2 weeks so the medication starts effects, and it may take longer to see full results. Take the dosage as directed by your physician. Do not increase the dosage or stop taking the medication on your own. The effects during initial treatment are often side effects of the medication.  Side effects such as drowsiness, fatigue, increased appetite, or loss of appetite are common. Theyre usually mild and gradually go away. This medication should be used according to medical advice of physician or pharmacist strictly because the dosage and duration of treatment depend on the type and severity of disease. If you miss the dose, take the dose as soon as possible after realizing you missed it. If youre getting close to the next dose, skip the dose and take the next dose at its regular time. Dont double the dose.

Adverse Reactions

This medication may cause blurred vision, dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation, drowsiness, palpitation.

If these symptoms are severe, you should inform your physicians.

If you take medication and many of these symptoms occur together (such as confusion, hand tremors, myoclonus, ataxia, sweating, diarrhea)the medication should be discontinued and seek medical advice immediately.

Suicidal thoughts may occur during treatment. If you have these condition, you should seek medical advice immediately.   Click to listen highlighted text! Adverse Reactions This medication may cause blurred vision, dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation, drowsiness, palpitation. If these symptoms are severe, you should inform your physicians. If you take medication and many of these symptoms occur together (such as confusion, hand tremors, myoclonus, ataxia, sweating, diarrhea), the medication should be discontinued and seek medical advice immediately. Suicidal thoughts may occur during treatment. If you have these condition, you should seek medical advice immediately.   

Drug storage

Store in a dry place; in a sealed container protected from light.   Click to listen highlighted text! Drug storage Store in a dry place; in a sealed container protected from light.  

The above information is drug information used for patient self-care only.

If you have any inquiries, please ask your physicians or pharmacists.   Click to listen highlighted text! The above information is drug information used for patient self-care only. If you have any inquiries, please ask your physicians or pharmacists.

ที่มาของข้อมูล: นริสา ตัณฑัยย์, พาขวัญ ปุณณุปูรต, วุฒิรัต ธรรมวุฒิ, ผุสดี ปุจฉาการ, นิติ โอสิริสกุล, ชัยรัตน์ ฉายากุล, บรรณาธิการ. ข้อมูลยาประชาชน : ฉลากยาเสริม และข้อมูลความปลอดภัยในการใช้ยา. กรุงเทพฯ: โรงพิมพ์เดือนตุลา ; 2561.

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